Climate Ready Design and Resilient Construction

climatereadydesign 24th June 2013, Heriot Watt University
Post Graduate Centre, Room 201. Directions

In order to prepare for a changing climate buildings must be designed to reduce their environmental impact while also being prepared for more variable conditions. The morning workshop focuses on best practice for integrating mitigation and adaptation considerations into design while the afternoon explores Post Construction Testing in more depth.


9.00am – 12.30pm: Climate Ready Design, Sue Roaf, Kevin Bowe and Joseph Giacopazzi

9.00am Registration and Networking
9.30am Climate Ready Design Principals for Mitigation and Adaptation: Sue Roaf

  • Passive design for energy demand reduction
  • Energy system efficiency for demand reduction
  • Renewable energy supplies in domestic systems: costs and benefits
  • Lifestyles and behaviours and controls
  • Adaptive Design – future-proofing construction

Energy storage: Kevin Bowe

  • Ways of integrating thermal storage in designs
  • Correct detailing of thermal storage
  • Modelling thermal storage using IES
  • Lifestyle implications of optimising mass in homes

11.00am Tea and Coffee

11.15am Ecohouse Design Case Study in Milnathort: Joseph Giagopazzi

  • Design rationale
  • Construction history
  • Systems in Use
  • The impact of mass
  • Post Construction Testing
  • Design Lessons

12.30pm Break for Lunch (Not provided)

13.00pm – 4.30pm: Resilient Construction – Post Construction Testing, Grant Rooney

1.00pm Registration and Networking
1.30pm Robust Envelope details: The Theory

  • Infiltration
  • Cold bridging
  • Condensation

3.00pm Tea and Coffee
3.15pm Post construction testing

  • Blower door testing
  • Thermal Imaging techniques
  • Wall U-value in-situ testing
  • Tracer gas testing
  • Integrating post-construction testing into the design and build process

4.30pm End


About Sue Roaf

Susan-Roaf1Susan Roaf is Professor of Architectural Engineering at Heriot Watt University and works on a range of Low Carbon Building and Climate Adaptation projects. She is best known for her pioneering Oxford Ecohouse, with the first photovoltaic roof in Britain. The house was designed for future climates and she will be sharing the wide range of ‘future-proofing features incorporated into it. A key political aim is not to build ‘resilience’ into communities, a term generally taken to mean that people can ‘bounce back’ after catastrophic events, including heatwaves, storms, cold snaps and floods. She works with the Initiative for Carbon Accounting; the Adaptation team of the Scottish Centre of Expertise in Climate Change and is on the board of the Resilient Design Institute in New York.

About Joseph Giacopazzi

JoeG Joseph Giacopazzi graduated in Law and worked in the financial sector in Edinburgh leaving to set up his own business in 1979. In 2010 he designed and built his own ecohouse in Milnathort, and subsequently set up his own ‘Good House Company’ specialising in low carbon construction. He installed a 6kW peak array on his garage roof and now installs solar systems in homes across Fife. He is an SNP Councillor for Kinross-shire and will share many of the lessons he has learnt from his many and varied experiences with a range of construction materials, methods and technologies.

About Kevin Bowe

Kevin Bowe Kevin Bowe qualified as a building service engineer in Dublin before moving to Glasgow to join IESVE as a building performance modeller. He is currently register for his PhD at Heriot Watt, looking at the role and function of thermal mass in buildings, ways of providing mass, the development of design tools for optimising the cost benefits of mass in different buildings using simulations that are validated in real buildings. He has already completed comparative studies of the commonly available tools and looked at the impact of mass on the overheating of buildings.

About Grant Rooney

grant rooneyGrant Rooney is an engineer who started Alba Building Sciences Ltd, in Blairgowrie in 1998. Alba is dedicated to improving the environmental performance of buildings using a range of post-construction testing methods and approaches. His talk will cover a range of strategies and techniques Alba employs to identify faults made at the design, construction and operational phases of buildings procurement and use.


Other Workshops in this Series