
Chris Stark 2 Chris Stark
Chris Stark is Deputy Director, Energy and Climate Change and Head of Electricity in the Scottish Government, managing the Scottish renewable energy strategy and energy markets in Scotland. He has wide experience in economic policymaking, moving to this role in 2009 from HM Treasury and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in Whitehall.
ICARB-_0011_henrik Henrik Lund
Henrik Lund is Professor in Energy Planning at Aalborg University and Editor-in-Chief of the journal ENERGY. For more than 25 years, his area of expertise has been energy system analysis, energy planning and energy economics. He is the author of more than 200 books and articles and on the Thomson Reuters list of the most highly cited researches in the world.
ICARB-_0000_klaus Klaus Vajen
Klaus Vajen is Professor and head of the department Solar and Systems Engineering at Kassel University, and International Solar Energy Society (ISES) Board member, Chairman of the university council of the German Solar Energy Society (DGS) and Co- Chairman of the international graduate network SolNet for PhD-education on solar heating in Europe.
ICARB-_0010_EddieEbbe Münster
Ebbe Münster, Ph.D. is a co-founder of, and Senior Consultant with, PlanEnergi, in Skørping, Denmark and has work with community energy schemes and on Green Gas Investments and the use of wind, solar, hydrogen and biogas for Balanced power systems, inter-seasonal storage, upgrading gas quality, CHP production, industrial, building, transport and agriculture. .
ICARB-_0009_MarcoMarco Masoero
Marco Masoero is Professor and Head of the Department of Energy at the Politecnico di Torino, with degrees from there and Princeton University (MSE, Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.) he has worked widely in the field of building and system efficiency and is engaged on projects looking at optimising the benefits of integrating renewable energy into building energy systems.
ICARB-_0008_EdwardEdward Owens
Edward Owens, PhD is head of the Department of Civil Engineering at Heriot Watt University and is currently working with a range of European projects on controls, energy supply, demand and storage, including the ORIGIN project studying ways to optimise the total energy supply and demand systems within established community micro-grids in Scotland, Italy and Portugal.
ICARB-_0007_GrantGrant Wilson
Grant Wilson, PhD is at Sheffield University working in energy systems analysis using historical empirical data to provide insights into changing patterns of energy supply and demand, and their impacts on the decarbonisation challenge. He believes in a whole systems approach to energy systems analysis and the benefit of energy data visualisation at all levels.
ICARB-_0006_IanIan Arbon
Ian Arbon, MBA is Visiting Professor at Newcastle, a Chartered Environmentalist and Engineer with an MSc in ‘Renewable Energy and the Environment’ and was MD of several engineering-sector companies for supplying renewable energy and energy-from-waste equipment, and he now runs Engineered Solutions, a Sustainable Engineering consultancy
ICARB-_0005_ColinColin Pulham
Colin Pulham is Professor of High-Pressure Chemistry at Edinburgh University working on high pressure impacts on crystal structures in pharmaceutical and energetic materials with current research in Phase Change Materials from new polymorphs and solvates that can be recovered back to ambient pressure, including salt hydrates for heat storage on earth and icy moons.
ICARB-_0004_iainIain Staffell
Iain Staffell, PhD is a multi-disciplinary scientist working within the Organisation & Management Group at Imperial College Business School and has worked on fuel cell vehicles, the Economics of the impact of wind power on the National grid and is now looking at the cost and role of an interconnected European super-grid and smart energy storage systems.
ICARB-_0003_nigelNigel Holmes
Nigel Holmes, Phd is a chemist and CEO of the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA) representing the of a broad membership from researchers to government and local authorities, who has worked for the Central Electricity Generating Board, with BP in the chemicals-refinery in Grangemouth and siGen Fuel Cells in Aberdeen.
ICARB-_0002_ScottScott Lilley
Scott Lilley, PhD is a chemist and the Energy Technology Partnerships’ expert on Energy Conversion and Storage, fuel cells and batteries, thermoelectric materials, geothermal energy storage and the chemical conversion of energy who has worked commercially as a senior scientist on lithium-ion, redox flow and lithium-sulfur batteries.
ICARB-_0001_SueSue Roaf
Sue Roaf is Professor of Architectural Engineering and Chair of ICARB. She has pioneered the use of UK building integrated solar energy systems with heat energy storage in building mass and electricity storage in electric cars. She is now working on demonstrating multiple benefits of mass in buildings to also create more stable, quieter and safer indoor climates.


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