ICARB 2023 Conference

ICARB 2023 Proceedings

The Presentation slides are now available here

ICARB 2023 Videos

Measuring Net Zero:

Carbon Accounting for Buildings and Communities:

Ambitious GHG emission reduction targets and budgets are simply are not working. Globally emissions keep growing. Why? How can we bridge the gap between targets and emissions? Can we improve the way we account for carbon? NOW is time to get real about reducing emissions.

ICARB 2023 brings together industry, the professions, policy makers and academics to tackle both the big questions, and the details, around carbon accounting for buildings and communities to clarify, inform, share, link and enable all involved from home owners to national governments.

Two full days of Plenary and Panel sessions and Specialist Workshops on the 25th and 26th will be bridged by a unique networking event in Edinburgh Castle, with a view of the Crown Jewels, the whole of Edinburgh and the mountains to the north. Just prior to the conference, there will also be a walking tour of Edinburgh architecture on the 24th.

Read more about the conference here. Al Gore called for action at Davos in 2023:


ICARB 2023 is responding to that call

For more information contact: info@icarb.org

THANKS FOR IMAGES TO: Stacey Smedley;  The Global Carbon Project; Carbon Visuals; The American Institute of Architects UK