Author Archives: Ric

Ways forward for Low Carbon Communities

Dr. Keith Baker, Communities workshop leader.

Dr. Keith Baker, Communities workshop facilitator.

This month ICARB brought together key experts on community carbon reductions to facilitate the streamlining of this challenging area of carbon accounting.

Participants from the James Hutton Institute, Keep Scotland Beautiful, University of the Highlands and Islands, the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation and others discussed how a process could be developed that evaluates community carbon cuts without being to burdensome on those instigating the reductions.

The workshop was presented with working papers from Adrian Shaw at the Church of Scotland, and Susan Carstairs, whose project to produce a footprint of Lochaber received much acclaim.

All the presentations from the workshop can be viewed on the minutes page:

Minutes can also be downloaded as a PDF here.

Dr. Keith Baker and Susan Carstairs will next be presenting at the International Conference on Carbon Accounting, 13 March 2013, where you can ask them your follow-up questions.