Author Archives: Ric

Mandatory Reporting Centre Stage at 2013 Conference


The Initiative for Carbon Accounting is excited to confirm the full line up for our 5th International Conference with freshly announced speakers addressing reporting for business.

In 2012 the UK Government announced that it would be mandatory for 1,100 of the UK’s largest companies to report on their carbon emissions.  Speakers will address how this can be achieved and the impact on Scottish business:

Mandatory Carbon Reporting: Supply Chain Impacts on Scottish Business.  With Fraser Wilson, Director of Risk Assurance at PricewaterhouseCoopers

Mandatory Reporting: A Flexible Friend?  With Gary Davis, Ecometrica (View Previous Presentation on Carbon Accounting by Gary Davis)

Workshop: ‘Making carbon reporting work for your business’,  With Paul Adderley, Sustainable Opportunity Solutions and Rohinton Immaneil Glasgow Caledonian University

The diverse programme will also look at reporting for wind energy, land-use, tourism and the role of government featuring prominent academics and public sector leaders.