Boundaries Workshop Oct 19

Date and time

October 19th

10:00am -12:30pm


Ecometrica, Top Floor, Unit 3B, Kittle Yards,
Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PJ


Gary Davis, Operations Director and Co-Founder, Ecometrica

If you have questions about this workshop please contact us

Boundaries, whether organisational, geographical, financial, operational or temporal inform how we account for and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Correct setting of boundaries results in coherent and complimentary efforts to account for and manage emissions from national inventories, cities, organisations, supply chains, products, services, events, reduction projects, trading schemes, and other categories that are invented from time to time.

GHG practitioners must understand boundary setting principles, the standards which govern their application and how to apply them before wielding spreadsheets, applying emission factors and communicating results otherwise their hard work could be undone by double counting, accusations of “greenwash” or by just being wrong.

With this in mind the “Setting the Boundaries” workshop will be a round table discussion to ask and answer the following questions:
• What do we mean by boundaries?
• Why are boundaries important?
• Are there international standards for setting boundaries?
• Are they being applied consistently?
• What can be done to improve boundary setting?

About Gary Davis

Gary is operations director at Ecometrica and co-founder. Gary has nine years’ worth of climate change consulting experience and has managed over 500 greenhouse gas accounting projects, in which capacity he has advised multi-billion dollar companies across many industry sectors, including oil and gas, finance, aviation, and professional services.

Gary has also been involved in the design of industry standards having advised on the development of the PAS2050 product labelling standard, the Carbon Trust Standard and been on UK Government working groups for biofuel greenhouse gas accounting.

At Ecometrica Gary runs the greenhouse gas accounting team which operates in Europe and North America and oversees product development of Ecometrica’s world class greenhouse gas accounting packages, including the web’s foremost emission factor search engine for GHG practitioners; .

He has a first class BSc (Hons) in Geosciences from the University of Edinburgh.