Small and Medium Enterprises Workshop Minutes and Presentations


The workshop discussed carbon accounting for SMEs under the following broad themes: appropriate SME sub-categories and accounting for significant scope 3 emissions. The workshop was well attended by a cross-section of stakeholders, including academia, business support and SME practitioners. There was agreement that a SME rule book should be compatible at all levels – micro, small and medium – and that there should be a minimum of two sectoral sub-categories (production and services). However, there were questions where agriculture fit in, with it potentially needing its own sub-category. When determining the scope 3 emissions of an SME, some type of significance testing should be required to ascertain the appropriate emission sources. A tiered method to calculate emissions could be formulated, however the level of complexity will depend on the availability of data to feed into the calculations.

Download the complete ICARB SME Workshop Minutes

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Presentations from the Event

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