New energy generation workshop coming in November

ICARB is announcing a second of our two accounting workshop this November. Our energy workshop will be framing Scottish Standards for the carbon accounting of energy generation technologies, and is open for registration today.

The workshop will continue ICARB’s discussions asking what are the best calculation methods on which to make decisions and how they should be applied in practice to arrive at fair, robust and reliable process.

It will address best current practice on accounting for life cycle carbon emissions from large-scale power infrastructure and the operational impacts of the relationship between different generation technologies on a distribution network.

Key issues will be introduced by guest speakers:

  • The NREL Harmonisation Project, a basis for conducting similar, more timely carbon accounting in order to align carbon assessments for ICARB databases/reference tools. Sam Chapman, Herriot-Watt University.
  • Preferred tools, software and databases. Stephen Finney, University of Strathclyde.
  • Challenges in developing a standard Scottish framework for the carbon accounting of power generation technologies. Gareth Harrison, Bert Whittington Chair of Electrical Power Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.
  • Grid and wind interaction and marginal carbon offsets of wind. Are we getting any closer to understanding how to balance and optimise the contributions of different technologies on the grid? Camilla Thomson, University of Edinburgh.

The workshop will take place at the University of Edinburgh‘s Paterson’s Land building near the Scottish Parliament, 1-3.30pm on 21 Nov 2012.

It will be informed by a pre-workshop questionnaire contributed to by sectoral experts, and as with all our workshops, outputs of the day will feed into the forthcoming 5th International Conference on Carbon Accounting.

Attendance is free but participants must register on-line for the energy expert workshop using this link where you can also contribute to our survey.

Don’t forget that ICARB’s workshop on carbon accounting and land-use, due to take place in Feb 2013, is open for registration. Visit the land use event page for more details and to register.