Author Archives: Ric

Invitation to Whitlees Windfarm Field Trip

ICARB members will be going on a tour of Whitlees Wind-farm, the largest onshore windfarm in north-west Europe, on 14 March.

We will be hosted by Scottish Power and have a full discussion of how the windfarm has been accounted for by different people and how it currently operates with carbon accounting experts in town for our 2013 International Conference.

We’re inviting all our supporters along to the trip which will leave by bus from Heriot-Watt University and return early afternoon in time to travel on to the Scottish Parliament for our 2013 Parliamentary Reception.

Attendance is complementary for those attending the International Conference on Carbon Accounting. For any others interested a charge of £25 is applicable. Please note that refreshments are not included. Participants will need to be able to meet the main reception at Heriot-Watt University at 9.45am (if driving please leave your car in Car Park C).

If you are interested in coming do hurry as there are limited places. RSVP with your name, affiliation and mobile number in an email to us.