Author Archives: Richard Roaf

Energy Storage for the Built Environment Workshop Announced

21st October 2014 at the ECCI, Edinburgh

downloadThermal and Electrical Energy Storage Workshop: Scoping the Opportunities for Scotland

The 2014 ICARB workshop programme started with an extended Backcasting process exploring whether Scotland could be 100% Renewable by 2030. This resulted in three developed Visions:

  • Better Together: Big Grid with Nuclear
  • Going it Alone: Scotland Centric solutions
  • Autarkic: predominantly local self-sufficient energy systems

All three Visions require extensive energy storage as a key component of their desirable future energy for 2030 and beyond. This workshop will provide leading edge insights into how this might be achieved for the built environment, in buildings, micro-grids and the grid itself. You will hear from UK and European leaders in the field, and take part in workshops on individual storage approaches chaired by, and peopled with, experts.
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Location & Accommodation