Author Archives: Richard Roaf

100% Renewables in Scotland by 2030: Presentations

On the 12th of March 2014 a broad group of interested parties ranging from local and central government, to SMEs, universities, community, cities and energy companies gathered at the ECCI building to explore three very different visions of how Scotland might become powered by 100% renewable energy in a Backcasting workshop. This one day event was generously funded by the Energy Technology Partnership and the Climate Exchange and expertly managed by Jaco Quist of Delft University assisted by two facilitators, Tony Craig and Gary Polhill, both of the James Hutton Institute. The three Visions explored were heroically led by Iain Staffell of Imperial College London, Stuart Hazeldine of Edinburgh University and Andrew Peacock of Heriot Watt University. Their presentations and a Backcasting Report on the events of the day can be accessed below.

Draft Backcasting Report 12th March 2014
To download right-click and select “Save Target/ Link as…”

Introduction: Can Scotland be 100% Renewable by 2030? | Susan Roaf


Introduction to Backcasting | Jaco Quist


Working Sessions for Scenarios | Jaco Quist, Tony Craig, Gary Polhil


Vision for a Renewable Scotland: Are We All Better Together? | Iain Staffell


On Swedish Energy Scenarios | Per Lundqvist


Scotland’s Autarkic Vision


Scotland Centered Energy 2030 | Stuart Haszeldine


The Norwegian Electric Vehicle Deployment Success | Harald N Røstvik


Make Renewable Energy Installations Visible | Thomas Nowak


An Introduction to The Energy Technology Partnership (ETP) | Donald Donald Booth


Working Sessions for Scenarios | Jaco Quist, Tony Craig, Gary Polhil